Database Migration Task

Pavan Emani
2 min readMay 31, 2020


Moving data from Oracle on RDS to S3

  1. Creating an Oracle database using Amazon RDS

Created the below oracle database instance database -2 in Amazon RDS

2.Creating a table in Oracle Database and insert data

Created the table Customers in the Oracle inserted some sample data into it, which we want to move to S3

3.Creating S3 Bucket

Created s3 bucket and folder inside it for the output

4.Creating IAM policy and role

Created the IAM policy (s3policy)

Created the IAM policy (s3role)

5. Creating Replication Instance and End points

Replication Instance:
AWS DMS creates the replication instance on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance.

a. Source -> Select existing Oracle RDS Database
b. Target -> Select S3 output bucket which is created

6. Creating a Database Migration Task and run it

DMS1 is the database migration task which is created

Once the task is completed below are the table statistics

Now we can go into the S3 (target) bucket and check for the file in the folder output. We are successfully able to move the data from Oracle on RDS to S3.



Pavan Emani
Pavan Emani

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